Friday 25 November 2011

Kerala Tourism

Kerala is situated on the lush and tropical Malabar Coast. Kerala is one of the most popular tourist destinations in India. Its unique culture and traditions, coupled with its varied demographics, has made Kerala one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. National Geographic's Traveller magazine names Kerala as one of the "ten paradises of the world" and "50 must see destinations of a lifetime". Travel and Leisure names Kerala as "One of the 100 great trips for the 21st century".
Until the early 1980s, Kerala was a relatively unknown destination; most tourist circuits focused on North India. Aggressive marketing campaigns launched by the Kerala Tourism Development Corporation, the government agency that oversees tourism prospects of the state, laid the foundation for the growth of the tourism industry. In the decades that followed, Kerala's tourism industry was able to transform the state into one of the niche holiday destinations in India. The tagline Kerala- God's Own Country has been widely used in Kerala's tourism promotions and soon became synonymous with the state. In 2006, Kerala attracted 8.5 million tourist arrivals, an increase of 23.68% over the previous year, making the state one of the fastest-growing destinations in the world.


  1. Hello,
    Nice Post shared here on "Kerala Tourism"....with lots of good information. thanks for sharing this post and keep posting here in future too. it would be nice if you can share some information related to mohali hotels here in your future posts..


  2. Yes, Kerala is one of the most beautiful destinations in the world. When my husband and I were there in 1999, we had 20 American students with us studying at Cochin University. As part of our regimen, we visited local schools since I am a professor of teacher education.
    Unfortunately, one day as we were descending the mountain, my husband became very ill. When we returned to Kochi, he was taken to the Amrita Hospital for surgery. To our surprise, the treatment there was excellent, up to Western standards. My husband was there for several weeks before we left for home, and during that time we learned to know many of the doctors and nurses. They were very sacrificial and wonderful. His surgeon had taught at Oxford, and he even drove through the strikes to get to the hospital to see him.
    As far as hotels, Kerala has quite a few. We were back to visit a couple of years ago and were surprised how much the city has grown, especially with many conveniences. You will love this trip. Just remember not to look the monkeys in the eye because someone told us they might attack you. :) We were there six months and didn't have any problems, but we did take precautions.
    Enjoy your trip to the most beautiful place on Earth!

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